Veterans Resource Office

Support from Service to Graduation

Veterans Resource Office Annual Graduation Celebration
Celebrate your achievements at the Veterans Resource Offices Annual Graduation Celebration, an event that honors your journey from service to academic success, embodying resilience and unity, complete with free catered meals for you and your family.

Our Services

We want our Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) to thrive and succeed at Utah State University. Our mission is to foster a community of support for our SMVF students, both in and out of the classroom.

Benefits Assistance

Support Services

Our Mission

The Veterans Resource Office (VRO) provides Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) with the highest level of support as they pursue their academic, career, and personal goals at Utah State University. Through assistance, education, outreach, and peer support, we provide access to available resources on campus, through federal and state Veterans Affairs programs, and in the community.

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Our People

Michael Barry

Michael Barry works as a Tutor in the Veterans Resource Office who notes how everyone at the VRO is so friendly to one another.

Mikayla Robison

Mikayla Robison is a Work-Study student in the VRO. Her favorite thing about working with the VRO is getting to know the people


Zoey comes from a military family and has learned how to be accepting of all types of people, cultures, and languages through their service.

Katelyn Johnson

Katelyn Johnson is a daughter of an Army Veteran from Arizona who has been able to prepare for classes much better with the resources that are available through the VRO

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News & Events

VRO Growth and Improvements

During the ‘22-’23 academic year, the VRO saw much growth in the number of students using our space daily. Before then, on average, 20 -30 students would utilize the VRO weekly as a primary place of study. But during that academic year the numbers grew dr...

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D): The VRO provides space and resources for all types of activities. During the Spring 2024 semester, D&D became a weekly game night in the VRO

VRO Learning Lunches

The VRO has hosted five learning lunches this semester - one every other week. These lunches are completely free for VRO students. During the lunches, a guest will present resources available to Service Members, Veterans, and their family members attendin...

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.